It’s Time To Place Your Desires Before God
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
- Psalm 37:4
When one of my Bible teachers first showed me that one way God speaks to us is through the desires of our hearts, I didn't quite understand what He meant.
After all, I absolutely knew that some of the desires I had in my heart were not God's will for my life.
Through studying the scripture and prayer, God showed me that He speaks through sanctified, or godly desires of our hearts.
I had to learn to read Psalm 37:4 from a different perspective.
God gives us (He places in our hearts) the desires He wants for us.
Let me explain.
There was a time when I really wanted a black truck.
If you knew me back then, no other color would work for me.
The truck had to be black.
However, over time, inside my heart, I started to recognize a desire for a white truck.
I tried to shake that desire because I was certain about what I desired.
When I finally saved up enough to buy one, I headed over to a dealership that I knew had several black trucks.
As I walked around the lot looking at those trucks, a white truck caught my eye.
To keep a long story short, I bought the white truck and absolutely loved it.
I couldn't praise and thank God enough.
I knew that I knew that this white truck was God's will for me at that moment.
He knew all this in advance and gently guided me through a desire in my heart.
You see, God wants to be a part of every area of our lives.
In big ways, and also in small ways.
We must seek and ask Him to remove any desire that is not part of His perfect will for our lives.
We must pursue filling our hearts with sanctified, godly desires, because those are things He will bless us with at the right time.
It takes no effort at all to desire natural things like finances, success, vehicles, etc.
If the motives in our hearts are right, there's nothing wrong with asking for those things.
But we must desire what God desires for us over everything else and that He brings those things to us at the right time when we can handle them.
Like Solomon, let us also ask for spiritual things in the face of our flesh pulling us to ask for only natural things.
We must decide to be Believers who delight in the Lord with all of our hearts.
We desire to draw near to God every day and know Him more and more so that He can be glorified through our lives.
We seek the Giver and not just the gifts.
We are so confident that God will meet our needs and give us the desires of our hearts that we focus on seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness above everything else.
Today, I encourage you to pray and place your desires before God.
It's time to ask Him to take away any desire that is not from Him.
To remove from your heart every single fleshly or incorrect desire and to replace it with a godly one that is in direct alignment with His will for your life.
Then, be willing to be patient.
Wait on God's timing and trust Him to only bring desires that are right for you exactly when you need them.
If this resonates with you, here's a short prayer you can say today:
"Dear God, may Your desires for my life be implanted within my heart. I seek godly desires that bring glory to Your Name. Guide me in aligning my desires with Your perfect will, so that I may walk in righteousness and honor You in all things and in every way. Amen."
God bless you!
Your brother in Christ,
P.S. - Thank you for allowing me to connect with you through email. If you ever want to UNSUBSCRIBE you can do so at the bottom of any of my emails - no questions asked. God bless you.
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1. How can we discern if a desire aligns with God's will for our lives?
To discern if a desire aligns with God's will for our lives, we must first seek His guidance through prayer, meditation, and studying Scripture. Testing our desires against the principles and values outlined in the Bible will help us understand if they are in line with God's purposes and plans. Surrendering our will to His and allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us will lead us to desires that are aligned with God's perfect will for our lives. It is through a deep relationship with God that we can confidently discern His will and align our desires to match His.
2. How can we use challenges and disappointments to refine our desires and grow closer to God's plan?
Transformation and growth are often shaped by life experiences, as God uses challenges and disappointments to refine our desires and bring us closer to His plan for our lives. Through these trials, we are molded and shaped into the image of Christ, learning to trust in His guidance and rely on His strength. By surrendering our own desires and submitting to God's will, we can experience a deepening relationship with Him and a greater understanding of His perfect plan for our lives.
3. How can we cultivate a spirit of surrender and trust, believing that God's desires are ultimately best for us?
Surrender and submission to God's will is essential for every believer, as it requires us to relinquish our own desires and place our trust entirely in His perfect plan. Developing a heart of surrender and trust involves discipline through daily prayer, seeking God's guidance through His Word, and actively choosing to align our will with His. By surrendering our fears, doubts, and uncertainties to God, we acknowledge His sovereignty and allow Him to work in our lives according to His divine purpose. Trusting in God's promises and faithfulness enables us to let go of control and embrace His leading with confidence and peace, knowing that His desires for us are far greater than anything we could ever imagine or achieve on our own.
4. How can we cultivate a heart that finds deeper satisfaction in God than in the fulfillment of specific wishes?
Absolutely essential to our walk with God is finding contentment and joy in His will above our own desires. It is paramount that we cultivate a heart that seeks satisfaction in God alone, rather than in the fulfillment of our own wishes. This requires a complete surrender of our own will to His, trusting that His plans are ultimately for our good and His glory. The more we align our desires with His and find joy in doing His will, the more contentment and fulfillment we will experience in our lives. God always knows what is best for us, and we can rest in knowing that.
5. How can we study scripture and teachings on this topic with a balanced perspective?
To gain a balanced perspective on passages about God granting desires, we must approach scripture with humility, prayer, and a willingness to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. We should not rely solely on our own understanding or interpretations but also consider the historical context, original languages (ie Greek, Hebrew), and overall themes of the Bible. In other words, by studying scripture with an open heart and mind, we can discern the true meaning and intention behind God's promises to grant desires, ensuring that our interpretations align with His divine will and purpose for our lives. We can easily do that by praying and asking God to show us what we need to see and know in this area of our lives.
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Scripture Of The Week
I can do everything through him [Christ] who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:13