Daily Prayer Works and Changes Things
Prayer to God is powerful, and it can change any situation. We’re here to inspire your faith in God and to pray over you.
Meet Daily Effective Prayer

Discover effective daily prayers, uplifting Bible verses, powerful devotionals, and personal stories to bless and strengthen your day. We’re committed to providing faith-inspired Bible content to help you be all that God has created you to be in life and more.
Do you want to see more answers when you pray? Would you like to discover how to pray more accurately so that results come quickly? Do you want Bible verses to come alive in your life? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Faithful and fervent prayer based on the Bible avails much, and we want to not only pray for you but encourage your faith in God.
— Daniel / Prayer Warrior & Ministry Founder
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Pray To God Daily
We can learn a lot from Jesus’ example of daily prayer in the Bible. Whenever the disciples and other people asked the Lord Jesus how to pray, He answered them. He dove right into revealing what worked and why. Jesus had to cut through the falsities and reveal the real way to daily effective prayer.
When we ask, the Lord God will show us how to fix what may be lacking and power up in the ways we pray, as well as spend time in devotions. All we need to do is ask Him. Like everything in life, if the results aren’t what we want, then changing our approach has to happen.
Spend Time In Prayer Every Day
Praying daily is spending time with the Lord and fellowshipping with Him. Whether it’s a prayer in the morning, at bedtime, or everything in between, praying without ceasing is a vital part of Christian living. We should be continually in communion with God.
It is not about a religious duty that we carry out to try and impress the Lord. It is a devotional time to be genuine and powerful and to bring about manifested results.
Having questions about prayer is perfectly normal. Asking God to show us how to pray more effectively is the key.
Whether we pray short daily prayers or inspirational prayers, to see answers, we must seek the Lord in line with His Word (1 John 5:14-15).

Join Daily Effective Prayer
When you join our community by subscribing on YouTube or our email newsletter, for example, you will quickly discover that we never declare that the way we pray is the only way to go. You may not agree with everything we share through the daily effective prayer ministry, but rest assured, we sure do get results.
We’ve all made mistakes when it came to seeking the Lord, but over time, we have determined better ways to pray more effectively, and that is what we desire to share with those who want to know.
Time and time again, we see answered daily prayer about what we are seeking God about.
Yes, even our powerful short prayers get results. This is why we are so adamant about praying for you (submit a request any time you like). We’ve come a long way, and we want to help as many as we can become spiritual warriors for Jesus Christ.
We are not perfect examples by any stretch, but we’re sure not where we used to be when it comes to seeking the Lord accurately. We see supernatural results when we spend time with the Lord, and we want to share what we know.
Pray Without Ceasing
Daily Christian prayer involves keeping the Word of God in our mouths. We read it, we believe it, and we speak it out in faith because that is our godly lifestyle. Faith is what pleases the Lord (Hebrews 11:6). During our times of fellowship, we remind God of a promise in a Bible verse, and He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).
Using the Name of Jesus Christ during our daily prayer, we ask God for what we need. We use quotes of faith and remind Him of His Biblical promises to help us.
We should not fear approaching the Lord but should run toward Him. He is the One who instructed us to call on Him, and He’ll show us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3). He also told us to come boldly to His throne of grace in order to obtain mercy and grace in time of need (Hebrews 4:16)
What a responsibility we have to pray every day, as it takes praying in faith for things to change. God moves as we seek Him through faithful, believing, and uplifting prayers.