Here’s God’s Answer To Every Question You Have

Daily Effective Prayer Newsletter Issue 184.


Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105

There’s nothing more powerful than the Word of God, breathed into existence by the Holy Spirit through prophets and disciples. 

The Bible?

It’s a treasure trove, filled with life principles, divine wisdom, true stories of God’s mercy, and parables that speak to every human heart. 

God's Word contains the answer to every question we have.

It's like a personal letter from God to you and me, packed with everything that we need to know.

Sometimes, God speaks to us in ways that aren’t directly found in a specific chapter or verse. 

But if it’s truly God, what we hear will always align with His Word. 

He’s eager to lead us in every situation as we dive into His Word.

When I need a specific answer from God, He often brings a scripture to mind that hits the nail on the head. 

Hearing God’s voice and being guided by the Holy Spirit? 

That’s become my daily rhythm since I embraced the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Let me share a story from a friend of mine, Sarah. 

She was going through a tough season, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of parenting. 

Balancing work, home, and her spiritual life felt impossible

One evening, after a particularly exhausting day, she cried out to God for guidance. 

As she opened her Bible, her eyes landed on Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

That verse spoke directly to her heart. 

It was as if God was whispering to her, reminding her that her strength comes from Him. 

She realized she had been relying on her own strength instead of leaning on God.

The peace and reassurance that flooded her heart were indescribable. 

She felt renewed and empowered to face her daily challenges, knowing God was with her every step of the way.

So, read God's Word as if it’s a personal letter written just for you and within its pages are all the answers you need for every question you have.

The Holy Spirit will illuminate the scriptures to you when ask Him, helping you apply its wisdom to your life. 

If this resonates with you, here's a short prayer you can say today:

"Dear God, Your Word is my compass, guiding me through life’s stormy seas. When I’m lost and seeking answers, You’ve already written the roadmap in Your scriptures. Help me to dive deep, uncovering the treasures of wisdom You’ve hidden just for me. Thank You for speaking to me through every verse, reminding me that I’m never alone and Your truth is always within reach. Amen."

God bless you! 

Your brother in Christ,


P.S. - Thank you for allowing me to connect with you through email. If you ever want to UNSUBSCRIBE you can do so at the bottom of any of my emails - no questions asked. God bless you.


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A daily prayer for God's answers in life.
A daily morning prayer for God's light in the darkness.


1. What evidence does the Bible provide that it can answer every question a believer might have?

The Bible is like a vast treasure chest, brimming with wisdom and answers just waiting to be discovered. Throughout its pages, we're assured that God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). It's not just a book of ancient tales. It is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, ready to pierce through the noise of our lives and provide clarity (Hebrews 4:12). God didn’t leave us guessing—He gave us His Word as a complete guide, rich in history, prophecy, poetry, and truth, so we can navigate life’s winding roads with confidence.

2. How can a believer discern the relevant biblical passages that address their specific questions or concerns?

When we’re feeling lost and don’t know where to turn in the Bible, it’s like being on a treasure hunt with the best map ever. We’ve got tools—like concordances and cross-references—that act as our compass, pointing us to scriptures that speak directly to our hearts. It’s not just about flipping pages. It's about diving deep and letting the Holy Spirit guide us. Sometimes, it’s as simple as starting with a topical study or looking up specific words that are associated with what is on our hearts. Other times, we need to meditate on the Word and let God’s truth reveal itself layer by layer, like peeling an onion, each layer bringing more tears of understanding and joy.

3. In what ways do biblical principles guide a believer's decision-making in everyday situations that God's Word does not explicitly mention?

Life today can feel like navigating a maze, right? But biblical principles are like having a compass that always points to true north. Even when the Bible doesn’t spell out every modern issue—like social media or technology—its principles give us a framework. Think of it like building a house on a solid foundation: Jesus' teachings about love, integrity, and wisdom are those sturdy bricks. When we filter our decisions through the lens of scripture, we’re aligning ourselves with God’s will. It’s like tuning into the right frequency on a radio. Suddenly, everything becomes clear, and we can move forward knowing we're on the right track.

4. How should a Christian respond when they encounter questions or situations where the Word of God's answer is not immediately clear or seems contradictory?

Ever been tangled in a web of questions that seem to have no clear answer? We all have. When the Word of God's answers aren't crystal clear or seem to contradict, it’s a call to dig deeper and seek wisdom from others. Picture it like a jigsaw puzzle: sometimes, we need to step back and see the bigger picture, or ask for help finding that missing piece. We lean on trusted spiritual mentors, study context, and pray for discernment. God’s not playing hide-and-seek with His truth. He's not hiding anything "from" us, but "for us". He invites us into a deeper relationship with Him through the journey of seeking and understanding.

5. What role does prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit play in helping a believer find answers in scripture?

Prayer and the Holy Spirit are like our spiritual GPS, guiding us through the twists and turns of understanding God’s Word. Without them, we’re just wandering aimlessly. When we pray, it’s like opening up a direct line to God, asking Him to illuminate our minds and hearts. The Holy Spirit then becomes our teacher, whispering truths, highlighting verses, and making connections we might have missed. It’s that inner nudge, that aha moment when a verse suddenly makes sense. With prayer and the Spirit’s guidance, we’re not just reading words on a page. We’re having a living, breathing conversation with the Creator of the universe.

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Scripture Of The Week

There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

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