God Knows Exactly What He Is Doing (Trust His Process)

Daily Effective Prayer Newsletter Issue 195.


Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

 โ€”John 16:13

When God sends His Spirit to work in our lives, He doesnโ€™t condemn usโ€”He changes us. 

His Word is filled with stories of grace, mercy, and His deep desire to pull people out of the muck and mire of sin and set them on solid ground through Jesus. 

We donโ€™t need to be afraid when He shines His light on what weโ€™re doing wrongโ€”Heโ€™s not out to punish us, but to lead us into freedom.

The Holy Spirit lives in each of us. 

Think of Him as a wise Coach, guiding, correcting, and encouraging us at every turn. 

He leads us, teaches us how to pray, comforts us when weโ€™re broken, and points out the things that need to change so we can step into Godโ€™s greater plans.

You know, weโ€™re like clay, and God is the Master Sculptor. 

He sees all the rough edges, the cracks, the imperfectionsโ€”and He knows exactly how to shape us into something beautiful. 

We might not see what Heโ€™s doing, but we can trust His hand.

If we try to fix ourselves, we often just make a bigger mess, donโ€™t we? 

Itโ€™s like trying to fix a leaky pipe with a roll of duct tapeโ€”temporary solutions that donโ€™t hold up. 

But God works with divine precision, getting to the root of the issue and bringing real transformation.

I remember a time when I struggled with anger.

It was like a constant, smoldering fire just beneath the surface. 

Iโ€™d try to hide it, push it down, or blame it on others, but no matter what I did, it seemed to keep flaring up at the worst times. 

I kept telling myself, โ€œIโ€™ll get this under control,โ€ but the truth is, I was making a bigger mess of my own heart.

One day, in utter frustration, I prayed, โ€œGod, I canโ€™t handle this anymore. Please, do something!โ€ 

Thatโ€™s when I felt the Holy Spirit begin to nudge me. 

It wasnโ€™t a loud voice or some dramatic moment.

It was just this gentle sense that I needed to stop striving and start listening

Instead of trying to fix myself, I needed to let Him lead me.

And Iโ€™ll be honestโ€”at first, it wasnโ€™t easy

When He showed me how my anger was rooted in old wounds Iโ€™d never dealt with, I wanted to run

But, through His grace, I stayed

I let Him guide me through those painful places, and over time, He began to heal and reshape me from the inside out. 

It was like being a cracked pot in the hands of a master potterโ€”every touch, every press, and every correction brought a little more healing and a lot more peace.

Looking back, I see how He took something ugly and turned it into a testimony of His power.

Itโ€™s the same with every one of usโ€”when we finally stop trying to fix ourselves and let Him do the work, the results are more beautiful than we could ever imagine. 

So, if youโ€™re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, and His methods in your life makes no sense, let go

God knows exactly what He is doing.

Trust His process

Trust His plan.

The masterpiece Heโ€™s creating will be worth it.

Relax, take a deep breath, and thank Him for every part of the process, even when itโ€™s uncomfortable

Heโ€™s at work in you through His Holy Spirit, and the end result will be glorious.

If this resonates with you, here's a short prayer you can say today:

"Dear God, Iโ€™m tired of trying to fix myself. Itโ€™s like patching up a sinking boat with duct tape. I surrender it all to You because I know Youโ€™re the only One who can reach down and heal the deep stuff I canโ€™t even see. Holy Spirit, shape me and mold me. Please cut away whatโ€™s broken and replace it with Your grace. Iโ€™m letting go and trusting You, believing that the masterpiece Youโ€™re creating will be more beautiful than I can imagine. Amen."

God bless you! 

Your brother in Christ,



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Daily effective prayer for God to fix what's broken.


1. What does the Bible teach about the role of God's Spirit in transforming a believerโ€™s life?

The Bible shows us that God's is like a personal trainer for our souls. Heโ€™s there to strengthen our spiritual muscles, guide us when weโ€™re off track, and give us a nudge when weโ€™re stuck. His job is to make us look more like Christ in every wayโ€”our thoughts, our actions, our habits. He doesnโ€™t just slap a bandage over our sin. He gets down to the roots and pulls out whatโ€™s dead so new life can grow. Heโ€™s not there to shame us. Heโ€™s there to shape us into something beautiful that will bring God all the glory.

2. How does the Holy Spirit convict without condemning, and why is that distinction important?

Conviction is like a warning light on your carโ€™s dashboardโ€”somethingโ€™s wrong and it needs to be fixed. But condemnation? Thatโ€™s more like somebody smashing the car and saying itโ€™s useless. The Holy Spiritโ€™s conviction comes wrapped in hope and peace, reminding us we can change with His help, whereas condemnation makes us want to hide in shame. Itโ€™s crucial we get the difference because conviction lifts us toward freedom, while condemnation chains us to guilt. When the Holy Spirit speaks, itโ€™s never to tear us down. He is always calling and coaching us up to something higher and better.

3. In what ways can Christians learn to recognize and respond to God's guidance?

God often speaks in a still, small voiceโ€”like a whisper in the wind or a gentle nudge in our hearts. To catch it, weโ€™ve got to tune out all the noise that comes through distractions, the busyness, the chaos of daily life. One way to recognize His voice is by spending time in prayer and the Word. When weโ€™re familiar with His Truth, the counterfeit stuff becomes easier to spot. And when He speaks through His Spirit, itโ€™s always in line with His character. His leading wonโ€™t contradict love, peace, or patience. Itโ€™s like a compass pointing us back to true north when we've gotten off track.

4. Why is it essential for believers to stop trying to fix themselves and trust the Lordโ€™s process instead?

Trying to fix ourselves is like trying to rebuild a house with a hammer and no blueprints. We are most certainly going to mess things up. The Lord, on the other hand, knows exactly what needs to be fixed and when. Heโ€™s got the plan, the tools, and the power to transform us in ways we never could on our own. When we try to do it ourselves, we end up frustrated and stuck in the same cycles, but when we trust His Holy Spirit, He builds us up brick by brick into something solid and beautiful. Itโ€™s a lesson in surrender, not striving.

5. What are some common obstacles that prevent Christians from fully surrendering to the Spiritโ€™s work in their lives?

Fear, pride, and controlโ€”those are the big roadblocks. Weโ€™re afraid of what He might ask us to give up, proud that we think we know whatโ€™s best, and desperate to keep control of our own lives. But holding onto those things is like gripping sand. The harder we squeeze, the less we actually have. True freedom only comes when we let go and let God. When we stop resisting and start cooperating, the Holy Spirit can do a deeper work in us than we ever imagined.

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Scripture Of The Week

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

โ€”2 Corinthians 10:5

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