Prayer For Not Giving Place To The Devil
Welcome to the prayer for not giving place to the devil.
This is a prayer I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice.
All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father.
Let us pray…
Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
Where two or more are gathered there You’ll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.
Father in Jesus Name, there is no distance in the spirit and we thank You for the listener who desires a prayer to not give place to the devil.
Together in prayer we come before You and ask for Your help.
Help the listener to keep the doors to their heart closed to the devil.
Help the listener to keep the doors to their mind closed to the devil in Jesus Name.
The enemy roams about like a roaring lion looking to destroy the listener.
He’d love to come in and ruin their life, their family, their relationships, and any other area of their life they relinquish to him.
His main weapons are offense, bitterness, strife and unforgiveness. Those are the typical ways in which he gets his foot into the door of the life of a Believer.
This is how he tries to take over in our lives.
Show the listener if there is any area of their life where they have let the enemy in. If there is any wrong attitude please show them Lord.
The listener will not give the devil a foothold through these entry points in Jesus Name. They will not allow him to destroy their life!
We bind and rebuke the enemy now in Jesus Name. We shut those entry points down in Jesus Name!
We decree and declare that the listener refuses to be offended.
They refuse to be bitter. They refuse to walk in bitterness, strife and unforgiveness!
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We speak protection over them right now on Jesus Name!
Greater is He who is in them than the enemy that comes against them.
Lord, we look to You to show the listener when they are getting off track with their attitude.
They do not want the enemy to use his weapons against them and trip them up.
The listener is sold out to You. They want to live right and bring honor and glory to Your Name with their life.
We decree and declare that they are filled to overflowing with Your love, grace, mercy, patience, peace, and they are very slow to anger.
Help them to become more and more like Jesus.
Praise You that as they live out their life genuinely seeking and following You, then You can steer them clear of traps and hidden dangers. You keep them safe from the devil’s attacks on their life!
We declare this by faith in Jesus Name.
We believe and receive everything we’ve prayed and give You glory in advance for this prayer is answered!
In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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Scripture References
Mark 11:20-25, Ephesians 4:27, John 10:10