Prayer To Open Your Heart and Let The Compassion Of Jesus Christ Flow Through You
Welcome to the prayer to open your heart and let the compassion of Jesus Christ flow through you.
This is a prayer I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice.
All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father.
Let us pray…
Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
Where two or more are gathered there You’ll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.
Father in Jesus Name, there is no distance in the spirit and we thank You for the listener who desires a prayer to open their heart and let the compassion of Jesus Christ flow through them.
Father, we’ve all made the mistake of falling for the traps of the enemy. As a result, instead of walking in love, we were too hard on people, judgmental, condemning, and selfish.
Father, please forgive the listener for failing to show Your love and compassion to others.
Instead of being harsh they could have let their light shine.
Right here and right now, the listener raises their hand and asks You to open their heart. Glory!
Remove any inhibitors and let the love and compassion of Jesus Christ flow through them in abundance in Jesus Name.
Yes, we decree and declare that love and compassion flows through the listener like a gentle, mighty river in Jesus Name!
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When selfishness in the flesh raises its head, it is crushed beneath the weight of Your love in their heart.
We decree and declare that they are filled to overflowing with Your amazing grace and love.
Praise You that Your love and compassion touches others around them. They are truly Jesus’ hands and feet.
Thank You that their heart releases the compassion of Jesus Christ like never before and powerfully touches those they come in contact with!
We believe and receive everything we’ve prayed and give You glory in advance for this prayer is answered!
In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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Scripture References
Mark 11:20-25, Jude 1:22, Colossians 3:12, Isaiah 49:13, James 5:11, Psalm 116:5, Romans 9:15, Philippians 2:1-3,Luke 15:11-32, Mark 6:30-44, John 10:10